A business credit card can provide several advantages regardless of whether your company is a flourishing startup or a thriving institution. A second card unconnected to personal accounts can also assist in keeping documents organized for tax season. These cards not only provide the chance for higher credit limits than you might get with a consumer card. Here are some valuable considerations when choosing the finest credit card for your company’s requirements.
How Do Commercial Credit Cards Operate?
Regarding amenities and reward programs, corporate credit cards frequently resemble personal credit cards. Still, many also provide larger spending caps and better incentives for niche company categories. Additionally, features and resources geared toward business are included with company credit cards to assist in tracking expenditures by employee cardholders or across other categories. Most business cards still allow you to download and import expense data into your company’s accounting program.
Your company does not require an employment identification number (EIN) to apply for a business credit card. The EIN, also known as the tax ID number for a business, is akin to a person’s Social Security number (SSN) in several aspects. An owner’s SSN and borrowing history are frequently considered for establishing creditworthiness, particularly for organizations without credit histories. On the other hand, if your company has an EIN, you can include it when requesting a business card.
Remember that a personal guarantee is often required for company credit cards; as the business owner, you are personally liable for paying back any amounts charged to the card. And even though you’re using a business card, if you pay late or miss a payment, that lousy information may show up on your credit reports and lower your credit score.
While consumers have many protections under the CARD Act of 2009—issuers must now give consumers advance notice before increasing an account’s APR; for example—business cards don’t receive the same protection under the law. This is one distinction between business and consumer cards that it is wise to be aware of.
Business credit cards’ advantages
On the surface, a company credit card functions similarly to a personal credit card, but owning one has a few benefits. The credit limit for a business account is typically larger. As a result, you can spend more money on your business card to finance investments that will support the expansion of your firm. Additionally, it can help a firm establish its credit history, which could be helpful for future loans or investments for the company’s growth. Bookkeeping can be more manageable when your business’ finances are separate from your accounts.
Increasing Credit Limits
It makes evident that the same considerations are made for a business since credit limit determination by card issuers depends on several variables, including your credit score and income. The sooner your company begins establishing its credit history, the simpler it will be to raise expenditure caps and apply for loans with more significant borrowing amounts.
Small enterprises that face more significant budgetary limitations would notably benefit from this. With a corporate credit card, making significant expenditures like shipments, bulk materials, inventory, or travel c,osts is considerably simpler. You can buy more things in a single statement period with a larger spending limit without using the entire available credit on the card. This prevents your credit utilization—the percentage of your credit card’s balance to its authorized spending limit—from significantly rising.
Simply put, the better your firm appears, the lower the credit balance is at each statement period. Business owners have more liberty when they can make more significant purchases for their companies without constantly applying for bank loans.
enhancing one’s business credit
Why would a company require its credit score? Business financial profiles are similar to those of individual customers in that they naturally accumulate a history of spending and revenue trends over time.
Getting a business credit card and appropriately utilizing it can assist develop and build a business credit score, which raises the legitimacy and dependability of your company in the eyes of other credit card providers, banks, and investors. Like any other person, a business will profit from cheaper loan rates if its business credit bureau reflects a spotless record and a consistent payment history.
Issues that could arise for business owners
As a business owner, you will typically be required to offer a personal guarantee for your business card, which means that the balance on the credit card is ultimately your responsibility. You are liable for using personal cash to cover the remaining balance if your business’s earnings are insufficient to pay off the total card balance after the payment term.
Demonstrating that you are a responsible individual consumer with a solid payment history and consistent income is another reason why your personal credit history will be necessary when applying for a business credit card.
If your business’s monthly expenditure changes significantly, it could be more challenging for you because most cards have a fixed credit limit. Some charge cards, like the Capital One Spark Cash Plus*, don’t have a fixed spending cap and instead adjust based on things like your payment and purchasing patterns.
You should carefully consider any startup charges and ongoing expenses your company will incur when applying for a new business card, as well as aspects of the card account, including incentives, bonuses, the APR, and any annual fee.
Get a Business Credit Card: How to Apply
Although applying for a business credit card is easy, you should carefully study before making any financial decisions. Before submitting an online application for a company credit card, remember a few essential items.
Find Out If You Qualify
It is optional for your company to be legally formed to be eligible for a business credit card, and basic card eligibility is unaffected by the size of your organization. Even if the expenses you intend to pay with the card are for a side gig or if you are the sole proprietor of a small freelancing firm, you are still eligible to apply for a business credit card.
This does not imply that you will receive the ideal business card with many perks and reward opportunities. Choosing the business credit card for which you have a reasonable probability of being approved is the first step in the application process. If your firm still needs to establish credit, this decision can be based on your credit.
Your or your company’s credit history is the most crucial consideration when applying for any credit card. Credit card providers will almost always want to check your credit score if you own a business, so make sure you continue to use your accounts responsibly. Which cards you will ultimately be approved for depends on this.
Significant assets and commercial revenue might help your company qualify for better cards. If your side business brings in a few dollars each month, don’t expect to be approved for a high-end, benefit-rich business credit card. You’ll need to demonstrate a sizable salary to secure the best business cards and the most significant credit limits.
Obtain the necessary information
An application for a business credit card will also request documentation of your company’s legitimacy and the personal information you would typically submit with any credit card application. Details could include your company’s name, registered address, annual income, staff count, projected spending requirements, and employer identification number (if your company lacks an EIN, your own SSN will typically suffice).
During the verification procedure, the bank or card issuer will ask you to complete the information above regarding the nature of your business and may have additional questions for you. Be truthful and give any required documentation. It is advisable to disclose this and offer a business plan with predicted revenue, even if your new company’s income is needs to be increased.
It might be beneficial to look for credit cards issued by banks with which you have a relationship because doing so might improve the application process’ comfort, effectiveness, and success.
How a Startup Can Obtain a Business Credit Card
A business credit card might help you track expenses and manage startup costs if you’re starting a new firm. In addition, receiving a welcome bonus and points for your company purchases will help you reduce some of your expenses.
If your company is new, you might ask how to get best ready to avoid rejecting your application for a new card. Here are three actions you can take to ensure that applying for a business credit card for your firm goes well.
Investigate Your Options
See what possibilities are available at your current bank to start. Obtaining a company credit card from the same institution where you already have a business checking account can be practical.
But if your bank still needs to provide what you require, look elsewhere. Consider features like welcome bonuses, perks, and credit limits when selecting a card. Think about the interest rates, annual fees, and foreign transaction fees. Before applying, completely comprehend each card’s functions and carefully read the terms and restrictions.
Perform a Credit Check Before Applying
Lenders still require your personal SSN to examine your credit history. If your lender does not offer a fraud protection benefit, you are still personally responsible for any employee transactions and balances on your business credit card that may be fraudulent.
Naturally, credit card issuers seek to lower risk. They’ll want to ensure you’ll pay your debts on time and won’t miss payments. Your chances of continuing to qualify for better cards, more significant credit limits, and reduced interest rates increase with your credit score.
Request a business credit card
To finish your business credit card application, you will need to gather the following personal and business information:
Legal name, address, and phone number of the business
Business and industry classifications
the legal form of business
(Your EIN or SSN) Federal tax identification number
the number of employees paid
Annual company revenue in the ballpark
Estimated income as well as monthly credit card costs
We do not recommend applying for more than one credit card at a timehat we recommend. Instead of trying to apply for several credit cards at once, it is preferable to apply for the one you desire the most and are most likely to get approved for. Applications result in complex queries on your credit reports, which temporarily lower your credit score. Additionally, many inquiries made quickly can give the impression that you need credit urgently, which can result in denial.
How To Get A Business Credit Card Approved
There is no way to guarantee that any credit card application will be approved, but there are several things you can do in advance to improve your chances:
Only use some your available credit on your personal or business cards.
To reduce harsh inquiries on your reports, only sometimes apply for new credit.
Determine the appropriate business form to list, such as a sole proprietorship if you run an internet freelance writing firm or sell handmade goods on Etsy.
If you have a pre-approval offer, responding to it can increase your chances.
The issuer will do a credit check when you apply for a business card online or over the phone. Cardholders who the lender determines to be creditworthy may see an approval when the credit check is finished.
Which Credit Card is Ideal for My Business?
The best card for your company will mostly rely on how you run things, the purchases you make, and the advantages you’re looking for. Do you frequently travel for work? Do you frequently take your clients out to eat? Do you purchase goods in quantity from particular businesses that might participate in reward schemes?
These are the kinds of spending habits that need to be considered. What will you buy with the credit card most frequently, and how much will you spend each month? Choose the ideal business card for your requirements using the answers to these questions.
Cards for Small Businesses for Younger Companies
Choosing the correct business card can help you position yourself for success, especially if your company is new or you’ve never created a business account before. For instance, when starting your firm, you can finance expensive items using a card offering a 0% introductory APR period on purchases. Additionally, receiving cash back may offset expenses in typical company categories.
To sum up
Although having a credit card for your company is not technically necessary, it is something to consider because of the benefits it could present as your company expands. A fledgling company’s ability to develop a strong business credit score can enable it to access crucial financial resources. Earning points or cash back on typical company expenses might compensate you for purchases you would have to make otherwise.
If you have staff, having a business card can make tracking and managing their expenses simpler. HavingHaving a separate card for business expenses helps you better keep track of your professional vs. personal spending.
Consider your most frequent spending categories, if you require an introductory APR period, and whether you are willing to pay an annual fee when selecting the best credit card for your company. These elements may influence your decision over which business cards to use.
Please visit this page to discover the rates and fees for American Express’s The Blue Business® Plus Credit Card.
Visit the American Express® Business Gold Card’s rates and fees on this page.